Saturday, November 10, 2007

Church Day

We went to the church today, my kids woke up early and I was praying that Mary won't get upset as the kids class on going. I am glad that she did not. She is a good girl and just sitting in a chair clapping her hands if we are singing.
I was really worried when the cabinet fell on Benjamin. Maybe he climb and wanted to go to the other side. They put a cabinet as barrier for the kids won't play to the Lutheran people toys. I am not sure if they put or my bretheren put it. I was scared because he looks pail and keep saying that his tummy is painful. I am glad that he feels better after I hug him a lots.. He does not want me to put him down, he kept clinging on me. God is so good, He does not want one of his child got hurt and Thank you Lord.
We had a wonderful service today, it was a testimony service which was lead by Barb Butler. She was doing good and was glad that I shared a little on our 2-week vacation in FL. I just wanna talk a lot but time was not permitted.
We went home about 12:45pm and grabbed food for lunch. I was cleaning a bit with our mess and at 3:20 I prepared the kids for going to Bremerton. Dena, our friend at church is gonna be her rebaptism. I was late though but it is ok.. at least I joined them with the singing service. I missed singing and I guess I will sing couple times before we will be moving to Japan. I missed my family at chruch, they are so nice people. We bid goodbye to everyone with lots of smiles and waves.
God is so good. We need to prepare ourselves in His second coming. We will be with Him forever where there is no sorrows and pains. This world is temporary. We will treasure the heaven that we long for.

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