Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Friendship Day

I got this tagged from Janet my friend in Florida. Thanks Janet for giving me this. See you when we will be back in the US. Disneyworld is our favorite trips.

To anyone of my friends here, feel free to snag this tag award. Thanks!!!

Friendship Rose
Just like a rose,
so precious and rare,
is the forever friendship
the two of us share.
Planted with kindness,
it's warmed by the sun
of caring and sharing,
laughter and fun.
It's grounded in trust
and nurtured by love,
with a sprinkling of grace
from God up above.
Tears of sadness and joy,
like dew, renew this friendship
I share with you.
And in the heart's garden,
we find the room to be ourselves,
to grow and bloom.
A blessing of beauty unsurpassed,
our friendship's a flower
that will always last.

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